Staff of Sunshine Heights Daycare Centre will be properly trained and qualified according to the requirements specified in their respective job descriptions. Training for C.P.R. will be completed and kept up-to-date for all staff.

  1. Upon hiring, each staff will be fully qualified for their position according to what is specified as needed in the day Nurseries Act by M.C.S.S.
  2. On-going education, such as seminars, conferences, and workshops are the responsibility of each staff member.
  3. Sunshine Heights Daycare Centre will support staff training by allowing time off or providing funding as allowable per budget year.
  4. All staff must keep First Aid and C.P.R. training up-to-date.

Effective March 01, 1995 Sunshine Heights Daycare in compliance with M.C.S.S. (Ministry of Community and Social Services) will require Criminal Reference checks on all agency staff and volunteers (including board members) having direct contact with children.